SEM Manual for Jordan

Resource Type: Manuals and Brochure

Member State: Jordan

Document Language: English

Social Expenditure Monitor Manual for Jordan

August 2021

The manual is a reference to better understand the building of indicators of social expenditure for Jordan. The definition of indicators is based on ESCWA’s Social Expenditure Monitor for Arab States (ESCWA 2019), tailored to Jordan context. The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance for users to construct the indicators of SEM based on programs and projects and their respective codes in Jordan. The methodology (codes) used to generate the indicators in Jordan context is derived from the Jordan Budget Law, from different line ministries.

Throughout this manual, the Jordanian public ministries/entities contributing to the seven dimensions of the SEM are identified along with their corresponding programs, activities/projects, and items. Each program consists of activities and projects, and within each activity and project, there are a set of items. While in some cases, the program maps entirely to a specific indicator (i.e., all the items within the activities/projects of the program map to the indicator), in other cases, the items are disaggregated between different indicators. Therefore, this manual provides detailed mapping with names of the programs along with a summary of activities/projects and items. The details of the activities/projects and items are available in an Excel file which can be provided upon request. The main SEM beneficiary corresponding to each expenditure is also indicated.